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Trends / Future

Biggest Ideas of 2013 (series)

    Check out LinkedIn today’s series The Biggest Ideas of 2013 for a variety of thoughtful posts on living happily and productively, work-life balance, business, technology, how we think and a host of other topics.  They’re short and worth a look when you need a bit of inspiration or encouragement.

New energy infographic – Reinventing Fire

Blueprint to the new energy era – great infographic from the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) contrasting America’s energy sources and usage today and in 2050.   Click the ‘Reinventing Fire’ tab on the menu bar and you’ll see details for Transportation, Buildings, Industry, Electricity.  See also a 27-min TED talk by …

Renewable energy as world power source

  Renewable energy to become world’s second-largest power generation source by 2015, says IEA – post on Renewable Energy Focus about a recent report from the International Energy Agency (IEA), World Energy Outlook 2012. In 2011, subsidies for renewables (including for biofuels) amounted to $88 billion – over the period to 2035 …